* Thinking In Movement Studio AFFILIATE Link ~ May 6-10, 2023 Feldenkrais Method® Summit. 5 Days: * 5 Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons for a total of $10 with 24-hour replay capability for each lesson; * Upgrade to 10 Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons for $27 with unlimited lifetime access for all lessons. Please click the Link to learn more. This post contains an affiliate link, and I may receive compensation if you register for the event.
With appreciation and devotion to learning, Katarina
Thinking In Movement Studio Katarina Halm, M.A. Focusing CFT, Feldenkrais® GCFP Movement Intelligence Trainer Sounder Sleep System™ Assistant Trainer 1 604 263 9123 (Vancouver BC, Canada) katarinalistens@gmail.com https://thinkinginmovement.ca/ https://feldenkraisinclusioninitiative.org/ https://coronaplaza.life/people/katarina-halm/ June 2, 2023: Focusing Facilitators as the New Educators and Leaders
* The terms Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement, and Functional Integration are registered service marks in Canada of the FELDENKRAIS GUILD of North America (FGNA)